October 30, 2008

Things I Wish....

Were In My Medicine Cabinet Like Right Now!!
Natural Sore Throat and Cough Lollipops - by wingedegg

Cold and Cough Balm - by ShaynaPunam

Organic Echinacea Tincture by greenthing

Organic Olive Coriander Eye Pillow by kyrahaigh

So the sore throat I was pretending didn't exist decided it was tired of being shut out. It shouted, 'I exist' loud and clear as it stole my voice today. Then Mr. cough moved in. Darn it man. I will retaliate with warm fuzzy blankets, hot apple cider and all kinds of Zzzzz.......'s!


nikki/WhiMSy love said...

Mr. Tickle in my throat refuses to leave & has begun to party with Senor Coughs-a-lot. I'm fighting them, but they are getting the best of me---& everyone in my house.
What I wouldn't give for a cute cough lollipop...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for featuring my tincture! I hope you're soon feeling better. If you like tea, drink some hot tea with honey! If you happen to have rose hips, that would be excellent to add to it. Rose hips have 20x the Vitamin C that citrus fruits do. Feel better soon! :)