Originally submitted at RitzCamera.com
A pretty spring time theme of little critters, bright flowers, and fresh, fun designs.
Why Sell If You Don't Have The Stock??!
By Rebecca Sander from Portland, Oregon on 2/27/2010
Pros: If I got them I'd know out of 5Cons: NOT IN STOCK
Best Uses: For My Business
Describe Yourself: Quality Oriented
Primary use: Business
I ordered 10 packages of these for my business. They are NOT in stock. Ritz shipped out the one and only package they did have but did not inform me of this fun fact until AFTER they'd already shipped my package. I don't need one. I need 10. I would've canceled my order entirely four days ago when I first ordered them & gone elsewhere. Now I'm out the time, shipping & the money. The money they will refund my account in ANOTHER four days. Unprofessional. I contacted customer support & they refuse to tell me if I will get a refund on my shipping costs once I return my shipment, whenever it decides to arrive. Now I have to go back to my own customers who are waiting for the products I create with these brads to disappoint them & make me look like a clown. AWESOME! Thanks Ritz. I will never shop here again. What a completely shady way of doing business.
Oh and a side note, they still have them for sale on their website. Nice.
Oh and a side note, they still have them for sale on their website. Nice.
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